That's Now How Role Models Act

"I want to apologize for my behavior. I am a Role Model at UrbanPromise, and that's not how Role Models act.”

At the beginning of every school year, each of our three UrbanPromise sites takes time to craft a "site vision statement" for the year. Much like an organization's vision statement, these site vision statements are meant to help craft site culture and serve as a bedrock to return to in everyday action and intention.


At our Freedom Dive Site, part of the site vision for the 2019-2020 school year is that UrbanPromise would be "a place students can take with them." Our staff at that site envisioned that StreetLeaders and students would internalize our UP Core Values so deeply and authentically that they would embody them no matter WHERE they go in the world!

Recently, that vision was put to the test when a 7th Grader from our Freedom Drive Site was having a tough day at school and chose to challenge his teacher in front of his classmates. His disruptive, disrespectful behavior resulted in his removal from the classroom.

This particular student is a "Role Model" in the Middle School Program at Camp Freedom. "Role Model" is a title students have to EARN by consistently embodying UP core values and displaying exceptional servant leadership. These are the students whose behaviors and attitudes are held up as examples for their younger peers! 

As he reflected on his behavior, this particular 7th Grader knew he wasn't living up to his promise to be a positive role model. The fact that he wasn't at UP didn't matter — he now considers himself a role model no matter where he goes.

Later that day, the student took initiative to seek his teacher out and apologize, making sure to emphasize: "I am a Role Model at UrbanPromise, and that's not how Role Models act." His teacher is friends with the Middle School Director at Camp Freedom, and she reached out to let him know that, indeed, our campers are taking UP with them... wherever they go! 

THANK YOU for your continued support of UrbanPromise Charlotte! Your generosity is empowering a generation of students to become role models who take their impact on the world seriously. We could not support their growth and development without you!