urbanpromise charlotte SITES

UrbanPromise Charlotte operates four different neighborhood sites located around the city, each with with its own distinct personality, character, and needs. Get to know a little bit about our sites below, or sign up to visit one of our sites in person if you’re interested!


Camp JOY:
south boulevard site

LAUNCHED: Fall 2013
SCHOOL PARTNERS: Starmount Academy of Excellence, Montclaire Elementary, Huntingtowne Farms Elementary, Carmel Middle School
SERVING: 73 elementary schoolers & 57 middle schoolers led by 45 high-school StreetLeaders

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Camp freedom:
west site

LAUNCHED: Fall 2016
SCHOOL PARTNERS: Ashley Park Elementary, The Movement School
SERVING: 60 elementary school students & 15 middle school students led by 33 high-school StreetLeaders

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Camp HOPE:
east site

LAUNCHED: Fall 2017
SCHOOL PARTNER: Idlewild Elementary
SERVING: 65 elementary schoolers led by 30 high-school StreetLeaders


NORTH site

LAUNCHED: Fall 2021
SCHOOL PARTNER: Hidden Valley Elementary
SERVING: 60 elementary schoolers led by 20 high-school StreetLeaders

interested in exploring the possibility of launching a uP site in your neighborhood?

We’re always open to what God may be doing around the city! If the UrbanPromise model seems like it might be a good fit for your neighborhood’s needs, we consider four main criteria as we explore launching new sites:

  • Availability of space to host the site (our sites are hosted in community spaces or churches)

  • An enthusiastic partnership invitation from at least one of the neighborhood schools

  • The presence of potential site leadership candidates

  • Sustainable funding to launch and develop the site

If you believe it’s worth exploring the potential of launching a site, please reach out to Jimmy for further conversation!
