Like most of our StreetLeaders, Sara got her first job at UrbanPromise. Little did she know, life would bring her back after college to serve as a full-time adult staff member at UrbanPromise. In the years since arriving at UrbanPromise, she's transitioned through many roles including StreetLeader, first generation college student, and teacher.
Sara has worn many hats, both at UrbanPromise and in her personal pursuits, and knows the challenges that come with transitions. Her experiences have created wisdom in navigating the hardship and beauty found in life’s transitions.
Sara started as a StreetLeader in 2015. She was encouraged by her school’s career center counselor to apply to work as a StreetLeader at UP. “I was excited about the opportunity to work with kids. I had already been interested in being a teacher,” Sara shared.
“Once I learned about [UrbanPromise] and the vision and mission and the goals, I was excited to be part of it. I was able to intersect faith and my interest in being with kids.”
During her time as a StreetLeader, Sara has experienced a lot, especially about adjusting to transitions. She was a part of UrbanPromise at a critical time when we grew from one site to two sites.
“I think the first big transition I learned a lot from was when we opened [our second neighborhood site in west Charlotte]. I remember at a Friday StreetLeader training, Jimmy shared the announcement and gave us space to sit and reflect,” Sara remembered.
“From that experience, I learned that transitions can be really hard and growth can be really hard. It’s also really beautiful at the same time.
“But there’s beauty that comes with transition because it means there’s new people that get to experience UrbanPromise and people get to join the community that at one point was our small piece of heaven on Earth.
“Sara continues, “Now, it will be for others, as well.”
Today, UrbanPromise Charlotte is in a season of transition again. We’ve grown from one site to four sites, from a full-time staff of one to a full-time staff of sixteen, from serving 65 students and StreetLeaders to serving over 550 students, StreetLeaders, and Alumni this year.
While transitions and growth can be hard, Sara reminds us that they can be beautiful, as well. Each time we experience transitions and growth, we allow others to join the UrbanPromise community and experience, as Sara would say, this “small piece of heaven on Earth.”